正规手机网赌软件 is committed to treating all people with respect, empathy and compassion. Each person's experience is every Team Members' responsibility - creating a warm and inviting environment for every person we serve. We can all learn from each other. When there is a deep respect by, 和, 所有个人, an environment is created that allows people to develop and thrive.
The experience we provide sets us apart as the healthcare team of choice. Knowing that experience drives the perception of value, we strive for our patients and team members to feel heard and cared for fully. Through our words, actions, and processes, we will aim to support them, through every step.
We invite our patients to participate in our Patient Experience survey sent via text or email following a visit. The results of the survey help us to understand how we are meeting our patients' expectations. This information is shared with our team members to ensure we are providing the highest quality patient experience.
Our team members are our greatest asset, we ensure they are highly trained, 订婚了, and competent in the roles where they serve. We invest in their development to maximize their personal and professional potential through training, 定义的能力, 持续的训练, and empowering them to drive improvements. We are dedicated to providing a safe work environment.
Our vision is to create a healthy community - not only the physical health and wellness but the mental, social and economical health as well. We are proud to serve our community, including health and wellness events such as our title sponsorship of the annual 正规手机网赌软件 Illinois Marathon.